Friday, January 28, 2011

Female Gang History

Female gangs have existed since the 1800’s. Females were seen to be inferior towards males, and this is a reason why we don't hear much about them. Females are usually recognized as members of the gang as someone’s girlfriend, sister, or relative but not an actual member of the gang like males. Females who are in a gang were often used only for holding weapons or drugs, as alibis or sex toys. Today, many of the same generalizations still apply to females although there have been some changes. Females now will wear gang related clothing, participate in criminal activities, and actually plan some of the crimes. Recently, females have tried to form their own gangs, taking what they learn from all male gangs and applying them to their own gangs. Females now such do jump-ins, graffiti, tattoos, and use weapons and violence, as a way for them to gain a good reputation or respect and recognition from the male gangs. When females decide to be a part of a gang, they must be initiated by other members. Before the only way females where able to join a gang was by being introduced to one either by getting jumped-in, or sexed-in. Jumped means you just get hit from the members of the gangs for some minutes. Sexed-in to a gang means having sex with several of the hard-core gang members. Females will often choose to be jumped-in because it is a way to gain respect from their fellow homeboys or the males in the gang. Being jumped-in also gives females the tough image and reputation they seek in order to be in the gang. Females who choose to be sexed-in will not enter the gang with as much respect because they had sex just to be in, and this shows that they don't even respect themselves. And therefore these females who preferred to be sex-in were often just used as sex toys for the gang and not highly respected. Even though females commit the same violent crimes as the male gang members do, they are often overlooked by law enforcement. Females will usually carry razor blades in their mouths, knives in their hair, and are able to hide weapons and drugs with their bodies. It is hard to remember that female gang members can be just as dangerous as males and should not be underestimated because of their sex. It is important to know that females seek gang membership for the same reasons that males do. These reasons are for protection, love, money, recognition, etc. Whereas males can be active in a gangs for several years, females tend to leave the gangs at soon as possible, when they are still young. Females try to get out of a gang earlier because of several factors. These factors are, pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases and infections, and the need of finding a job to support themselves and or family and kids if they have them.


  1. oh wow it is shocking what a girl has to do to join a gang

  2. Daaang, pretty intense what woman will do for respect. A dumb choice to join or even start a gang though.

  3. It is amazing how many people have no clue about gangs. Majority of people think wow how dumb to even join a gang, however these are the same folks who were raised differently than gang members. Many females join a gang for respect, money,and protection. Being sexed in is as crazy as it sounds. The one thing about gangs, is getting out, blood in blood out. Blood out isn't an option for many members. I am grateful for these blog, because there isn't enough information or research on female gang members. The only question is why do they commit violent crimes??
